Mofecon-C 250/Mofecon 500

Mofecon-C 250/Mofecon 500 Drug Interactions

mycophenolic acid


Concord Biotech


Cosma Medical


Cosma Medical
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
Mycophenolate may cause potentially significant drug-drug interactions requiring dose or frequency adjustment.
Avoid concomitant Use: Avoid concomitant use of mycophenolate with any of the following: BCG (intravesical); bile acid sequestrants: cholestyramine resin; natalizumab; pimecrolimus; rifamycin derivatives; tacrolimus (topical); vaccines (live).
Increased Effect/Toxicity: Mycophenolate may increase the levels/effects of acyclovir - valacyclovir, fingolimod, ganciclovir - valganciclovir, leflunomide, natalizumab, tofacitinib; vaccines (live).
The levels/effects of mycophenolate may be increased by: acyclovir-valacyclovir, denosumab, ganciclovir-valganciclovir, isavuconazonium sulfate, ocrelizumab, pimecrolimus, probenecid, roflumilast, tacrolimus (topical), teriflunomide, trastuzumab.
Decreased Effect: Mycophenolate may decrease the levels/effects of: BCG (intravesical); Coccidioides immitis skin test; estrogen derivatives (contraceptive), nivolumab; pidotimod; progestins (contraceptive); sipuleucel-T; tertomotide; vaccines (inactivated); vaccines (live).
The levels/effects of mycophenolate may be decreased by: antacids; bile acid sequestrants; cholestyramine resin: cyclosporine (systemic); echinacea; magnesium salts; metronidazole (systemic); penicillins; proton pump inhibitors; quinolones; rifamycin derivatives; sevelamer.
Food Interactions: Food decreases Cmax of MPA by 40% following mycophenolate mofetil administration; the extent of absorption is not changed. Management: Take Mofecon-C 250/Mofecon 500 on an empty stomach to decrease variability; however, Mofecon-C 250/Mofecon 500 may be taken with food if necessary in stable renal transplant patients.
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